By Kaikhosrow Afsari
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In January 1929, Kaikhosrow Afsari, later known as Raosaheb, authored the first book in the Persian language titled "Kashf-ul-Haghayegh" to address the critics of Meher Baba's Avataric ministry in both Iran and India. The book focuses on the life and teachings of Shri Sadguru Meher Baba.
Kaikhosrow, who would later become the Principal of the Hazrat Babajan School, provides a detailed account of the school for Meher Ashram boys established by Meher Baba. Within its pages, he delves into the daily life, spiritual experiences, and growth of the boys residing there. Furthermore, the book contains the autobiography of one particular boy who attained an elevated level of spirituality under Meher Baba's guidance.
Meher Baba and Meher Ashram1927-1929
English Translation by Reza Abrahimzadeh
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